Welcome to TontoNews!
Author: ritsch
Datum: 2001/09/08 15:25:54 GMT+2
<b><a href="http://musik.tonto.at/tontonews">TontoNews</a></b>
is a Product for featuring TONTO Cds, Reviews and doing comunity works using
<b><a href="http://squishdot.org">Squishdot</a></b>, a news publishing and discussion product for
<a href="http://www.zope.org"><b>Zope</b></a>. It creates a place in the Tonto website where short
articles, news items, announcements, infos, etc. as well as hold threaded discussions
about them is posted.
TontoNews fills the gap between pure information on CD-products by Tonto-Label and a living and growing TONTO comunity. Altough the main goal is just to inform about new TONTO-CDs, Comics and TontoEvents it also provides you with the possibillity of making and comment CD-Reviews as it uses all the squishdot features inserting Attachment like mp3-remixes of pieces and so on.
All Articeles, News, Infos are moderated on this site, but comments are not, so that everyone is free to add her/his opinion.
I wish to thank the tonto staff, who tried using, as well as debugging and patching the earliest versions of
this site -- they know who they are -- thanks for your patience.
I also wish to thank <a href="mailto:kaplan@algo.mur.at">Helmut Kaplan</a>
doing this doing the work behind this wonderful label.
Lastly, I'd like to make special mention of <a href="http://mur.at/">mur.at</a>, whose generosity has given Tonto
the resources to have a nicer home on the web, but also makes tonto independ from big Web-Companies as also <a href="http://squishdot.org/">squishdot</a> for this opensource product.